Student Life Resources

An academic Organization is a lively community where the pursuit of all human bodies need and are nurtured in balance. 

Our learner can enjoy the following facilities:

Inspirational E-Cafe

Our students can leirurely chat and share creative, inspirational ideas or implementation tools that can make a difference to the lives of people and the community. Our Inspirational e-Cafe brings our students close together, helps them socialize with other same-minded peers that are motivated by the same urges. They can also create groups to share their leisure time activities, hobbies and personal interests.

Dream Big- Act Big THINK TANK

A Dream Big, Act Big Think Tank to not only conceive but also design Implement and operate projects outside the box. A place for creative experimentation that touches the future and brings it closer to the present. Only for those born to Tread New Territoty.

The Evolutionaries’ Club: TOUCH THE FUTURE

Members of the club are those who act in all possible ways to stretch human evolution an inch further every day! Both learners and allumni, teachers, mentors, interested stakeholders and all members of the community inspired to add their own pebble towards the common destination evolution meet, network, exchange but above all ACT in this direction.

Get- Fit Club

We nurture the body of our digital learners as well. In the best possible way. Our students can take a break and go to our digital gym where they can take care of their physical and not only needs under the guidance of our experts in Feldenkrais, Yoga and Fascia.

Relax Lounge

We provide all our students with a high quality complete program of meditation, relaxation & visualisation techniques and exercises to ease the mind, strengthen body's stamina and increase energy levels.


We provide all our students with pleasant mental activities to help them unwind and at the same time develop observation, competencies, comparison, memory etc


Our students are provided with information about travel arrangements, stay opportunities, and what is necessary to familiarize them with the culture of the country they plan to explore or spend time in while practising or spending a Short Term Scientific Mission time, or while participating in projects away from home.

On The Wall

All our students as well as their friends can have access to our tool On The Wall. They can announce news about what they need or what they offer, can find a job, or announce the opening of a position, can show their talents and create opportunities for them to exchange whatever product or service they can offer with others they need. Our Wall is an open double mirror window to all!