10/1/2015 - 12/31/2020
The therapeutic Relationship
What is it that heals? and how does it happen? Is it just a matter of knowledge? Or does it go beyond that to embrace philosophies and attitudes? Could we measure it? and How?
Category: Selective
Educator: Educational Team
2/1/2016 - 12/31/2020
Prenatal Psychology (II) Preconception to Birth Dynamics
What is Prenatal Psychology? What falls within its interest? What has each embryological scene to tell us about our human experience? How are our primal and adult experiences interlinked? What do people's narratives tell us about their deep essence? Join us and find out the rest (part2) of the most significant aspects about who we are and who we become!
Category: Obligatory
Educator: Educational Team
2/2/2016 - 12/31/2020
Get-Fit Club
"Get Fit Club" is a free program designed to support people regain their full body function, especially when they spend a lot of time at a desk studying or when their professional duties do not allow them to move and exercise properly. It consists of Awareness Through Movement (ATM) exercises (Feldenkrais Method), Yoga and Fascia exercises.
Category: Go at your own pace
3/3/2015 - 12/31/2022
Introduction to Whole-Self Prebirth Psychology©
This is the first module of a total number of ten. The aim of this introductory course W-SPPPE is to familiarize you with the basic laws and principles of Whole-Self Prebirth Psychology, which has been developed by the pioneers in the field Jon RG Turner and Troya GN Turner. The educational material consists of videolectures in which you will have the opportunity to learn from his lips, the training documents which you can copy and use when you apply Whole-Self Prebirth Psychology in your clinic as well as a lot of supportive material to consolidate the ideas communicated.
Category: Go at your own pace
Educator: Olga Gouni
4/20/2016 - 12/1/2024
Business Up
Business up is a complete 10 point program for the business of today, based on the findings of Prenatal Psychology!
An ideal program to work with managers, administrators, and business owners.
A must for new-built economies!
Absolutely needed with students!
Category: Go at your own pace
Educator: Olga Gouni
10/1/2015 - 12/31/2020
Prenatal Parenting
Parenting starts prenatally. Even before conception. The foundations for body-mind health are laid in the primal period. The parental environment that is aware of the blessings and the opportunities that primal life can offer can make a big difference in the life of their children and in society. They also minimize if not cancel altogether the possibility of caesarean birth, postpartum depression, premature babies, complications and unpleasant interventions and they give birth to children who enjoy life, are creative and respectful in relationships.
Category: Go at your own pace
5/23/2015 - 12/31/2020
Breastfeeding, Health & Abundance
Breastfeeding is a gift for life! Why is that? And what happens when it is not there? What are the psychological dimensions of Breastfeeding and what are the Life-Long benefits for the body-mind health of the child? What can each one of us do and what is the social responsibility? Join us and learn!
Category: Go at your own pace
5/1/2015 - 12/31/2020
C4U: Analysis of the Test
Take an Hour, Ask the Parents, Fill in the Questionnaire & Discover the Primal Experience of a Child! An effective tool for all who work with children, either in the field of Health and Psychological support or in the field of education.
Category: Go at your own pace
Educator: Olga Gouni
5/23/2015 - 12/31/2020
10/1/2015 - 12/31/2020
Motherhood Gifts
When a Mother opens up her spirit, mind, soul and body to welcome a new soul entering the earth experience, miracles happen. Her gifts to the child coming to life and the Humanity itself are countless!
Category: Go at your own pace
5/1/2015 - 12/31/2020
Mothering the Mother
Mothering the Mother is a course designed for those who have made a decision to create a support service for the Mothers today. What are the needs? What are the main axons for such a service? How can a prefessional respond to the need and at the same time act in a way that is to benefit all involved?
Category: Go at your own pace
10/1/2015 - 12/31/2020
Introduction to Psychology
The Module aims to introduce Students to what psychology is, what falls within its field and how it can add value to human life. It starts with definitions and a brief history to what was it that made people turn their attention to study human psyche, human behavior and relationships and attempt to understand such dynamics and explain, then empower and heal.
Category: Obligatory
Educator: Educational Team
2/1/2016 - 12/31/2020
The Evolution of Prenatal Psychology I
Think with the Prenatal Psychology Pioneers and Witness the unwinding of their brilliant thoughts. Get inspired by the most inspired ones!
Category: Obligatory
Educator: Educational Team
2/1/2015 - 9/30/2015
The Evolution of Prenatal Psychology II
The unfolding of the works of the Middle Generation of Prenatal Pioneers continues and the Torch Bearers of those still working in the field and expanding is presented. The inspiration and the wisdom is in your hands.
Category: Obligatory
Educator: Educational Team
10/1/2015 - 12/31/2020
Psychotherapy Schools (I)
Birds of a Feather Flock Together or else... a wonderful understanding about how different pioneers from other Schools of Thoughts cast light on Human Experience!
Category: Obligatory
Educator: Educational Team
2/2/2015 - 12/31/2020
Psychotherapy Schools (II)
Birds of a Feather Flock Together or else... a wonderful understanding about how different pioneers from other Schools of Thoughts cast light on Human Experience!
Category: Obligatory
Educator: Educational Team
10/1/2015 - 12/31/2020
Methods in Psychology (I)
How can I probe into Human Psyche, do Research and BE ETHICAL?
How can I produce reliable outcomes?
Category: Obligatory
Educator: Educational Team
2/2/2015 - 12/31/2020
Methods in Psychology (II)
Learn how to design your Research, collect data that lead to safe conclusions, interpret them to make sense and present your findings both to the academic world and the public when probing into the mysteries of human primal life and beyond!
Category: Obligatory
Educator: Educational Team
10/1/2015 - 12/31/2020
Salutogenic Theories in Psychology (I)
What are the Origins of Health? What Creates Health? Can we (& How?) move away from a Pathogenic Way of thinking, acting, researching, teaching & learning move to a Salutogenic Life-Supporting Way?
Category: Obligatory
Educator: Educational Team
2/2/2015 - 12/31/2020