General Policies

Our academic year starts

on the 1st of October (autumn semester) and finishes on the 31 of September the following year, or

on the 1st of February (spring semester) and finishes on the 31st of January the following year.

The tuition fee rates apply for a full academic year starting either 1st of October or 1st of February. 

This applies to all our educational programs that spread over at least one academic year.
That is Postgraduate Professional Education in Prenatal Psychology (PPE Prenatal Psychology),
Professional Higher Education Certificate in Prenatal Psychology (PHEC Prenatal Psychology),
BSc Hons, MSc in Prenatal Psychology
and all those that will be announced in the future.

For shorter courses in the field of Life-Long Learning, click here.

Fees are subject to annual revision and are due at the start of semester 1.

Tuition fees include all classes for a specific educational program together with all benefits and student resources available to the learner.

The payment of fees is the responsibility of the student. In case the student has applied for a scholarship or grant or whatever financial study aid or has a sponsor, if for any unlucky reason the above involved authorities fail to make the payment, the student is personally liable for the fee payment.

Revision of Fees

Students on programs that extend over one year should be aware that tuition fees may increase every year depending on the market fluctuations. However, as it is our policy to support our learners the best possible way, our tuition fees may decrease, again, depending on the market circumstances.

Withdrawal from the Educational Program

This applies only to educational programs that spread over 2 semesters at least.