Babel Partners
Help spread the message to the world!
Join our Babel Community!
We would like to see young professionals and non academic people benefit from this knowledge we would like to share irrespective of where in the world they live. We would like to break language barriers!
That’s why we make a call to you over there who would like to partner with us on a volunteer basis and make the content of these educational programs accessible to other non English, non-Greek speakers, translating and subtitling our modules.
We would especially welcome those of you who speak the languages of the developing countries that would most benefit from such education! Together, we can reach more!
So, if you are a native speaker in any language and if you are proficient either in English or in Greek, Join us and enjoy the bonuses of being part of a community of evolutionaries.
And what is your extra reward besides being one of our heroes and partners? For every module you translate you can offer the relevant training to three candidates of your choice in any part of the world, becoming the benefactor of these students and all people blessed by their gained expertise.
Click here to send you babel partner request and WELCOME