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Entries for the 'News' Category

posted on June 19, 2019 12:18
"Three Identical Strangers" (2018) is a sensational documentary film telling a "bizarre" story of American triplets – Edward Galland, David Kellman and Robert Shafran – who were born on July 12, 1961 by an unmarried young mother who gave them up for adoption. All of them were adopted as six-month-old babies by separate families. All of them grew up unaware that actually they were born as a quadruplet, and that their fourth brother died at birth.

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posted on May 23, 2015 09:54
Albert Einstein on LoveTo give visibility to love, I made a simple substitution in my most famous equation.

If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits.
After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces of the universe that have turned against us, it is urgent that we nourish ourselves with another kind of energy.

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posted on February 23, 2015 14:32

  Every pregnant woman is treated with respect and tenderness, has the information, support and options available that she empower her to make conscious decisions about everything related to the health and welfare of herself and her baby

·    Every baby is understood to be conscious and fully aware from conception and bringing special gifts and that babies are constantly relating to and adapting to their environment, and in the womb

·    Every man takes the responsibility of fatherhood seriously, does whatever necessary to avoid unplanned conception, actively supports the mother of his child from pregnancy on, and is a participatory and supportive father

·    Elders are aware of their unique gifts and value for childbearing women and babies

·    Birth is a treated as sacred event, wherever it takes place

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posted on February 02, 2015 13:58

Dream a Professional Education Module for Midwives and psychotherapists interested in Prenatal Psychology. It teaches Imagination Methods with Elements of GA, NLP, ART & BA. The lecturer is Eva-Maria Mueller-Markfort, Grad. Midwife, Prenatal Psychologist and Bonding Analyst.


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posted on January 21, 2015 12:46

The times we enjoy today in 4012 were only a utopia in previous civilizations. For millennia, love had been diseased – love for self as well as love for others. That essential kernel of self-esteem had never been collectively addressed and nurtured; it had never truly blossomed in any nation. Yes, throughout the ages there had been individuals whose hearts and minds had flourished without ever betraying life, who were prone to kinship with all. But they were not many

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posted on December 03, 2014 23:49

 For centuries women gave birth to their babies at home. However, despite the research findings speaking about the safety of homebirths and the multitude of benefits for both the baby and the maternal environment, most countries still do not allow women to make this choice and sometimes legally sue them. Mario Santos reports some of his findings on Home Births as studied in his STSM in Denmark. 

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posted on December 03, 2014 17:08
  Pregnancy is an extremely significant period in our experience for a multitude of reasons. Midwives today move from their classical role of helping the child to get born and the mother to give birth to her child to new territories, those of psychotherapy and counselling. However, their academic background has not provided for the development and maturation of such skills. As a result, midwives risk making mistakes as they do their best to provide for new needs.

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