PB5035 C4U: Analysis of the Test

Take an Hour, Ask the Parents, Fill in the Questionnaire & Discover the Primal Experience of a Child! An effective tool for all who work with children, either in the field of Health and Psychological support or in the field of education.

At a Glance...

How can I become aware of the Primal experience of a child who comes to my practice with a challenge-if I am a health practitioner- or comes to my school -if I am a school teacher/ owner? How can I become aware of it as fast as possible? And without necessarily relying on the child himself to give me the information -either because he can't communicate because of age or because of circumstances? How can I use all the info about his primal experience to create processes and/or pedagogical curricula to help him heal and thrive? And as a researcher, can I use it to do a worthy research?

Recommended Background

There are no  prerequisites for this course. However, the course will be conducted at the level expected of Undergraduate Students or Professionals and Executives who can critically think and reflect. Therefore, for all participants, reading and writing comfortably in English at the Undergraduate College Level is desirable as well as a reflective Mind to delve into Concepts. 

Suggested Readings

Although the lectures are designed to be self-contained, students wanting to expand their knowledge even further will be guided to do so through extensive bibliography. Students are advised to read the required readings either before or soon after each session, but in advance of the next one. Recommended and supplemental readings can be read any time throughout the course in the self-study context and this is what will take your understanding to new heights. 

Course Format

There will be video lectures (60-75 minutes each) each week. The lectures can be divided into segments, separated by interactive quiz questions for you to help you process and understand material. In addition, there will be a case set and a programming assignment each week and there will be a final exam paper. You are encouraged to maintain a personal journal of thoughts, observations and experiences during the course. What we advise you is to always reflect and ask yourself "how can this knowledge help me evolve? How can I make use of it to support the evolution of others?"


During the weeks of studying together, these are some of the main subjects that we are to explore:

1. What is the Primal Experience?

2. Why is it significant?
for the Health of people, our relationships, the way we experience our everyday life...

3. What is the C4u questionnaire?
Where can it be used and for what end purpose?

4. Focus points when working with the questionnaire

5. The methodology

6. Asking the questions, Listening to the answers
The skills of the professional using the C4u tool

7. Decoding the answers

8. And now? How can I use the results to support?

9. Case studies 
within a pedagogical context, Health context, family counselling context, Scientific Research context

What is the most miraculous thing about this course?

You will get pleasantly surprised to realize how easy it is to effectively read the primal history of a child or us and how all this can be taken into account when healing processes are designed.  Highly enthusiastic. Incredibly valueable!


Will I be able to apply the learning?

Yes, right from the beginning! Each lesson includes reflective activities and action learning assignments to help you understand and experiment with the new ideas, knowledge and understanding introduced and do so both at work or at home in your life. You will learn techniques & practices which will unfold new avenues in front of you. The most important is that your understanding will expand and your creativity when conceiving, designing, implementing and operating research, healing or pedagogical processes will fly! Highly inspiring!

What resources will I need for this course?

All you need is an internet connection and the time to read the exciting educational material online, discuss and reflect! Everything else... you have it! 

Shall I get any Certification?

Certainly! On successful completion of the Educational Program, you will be awarded a "Certificate of Professional Training". And if you excel, that is if you get 85% and above in all your assignments, your certificate will be "With Distinction". Make the Best possible Use of it!

In a Nutshell

9 weeks of study

2-3 Hours of study work/week

1 ECTS credits

English/ Greek



5/23/2015 - 12/31/2020


Gouni Olga

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